If there’s one word in my vocabulary that I repeat, it’s certainly “leverage.”
Here’s the deal – if you don’t have leverage in your client business, it’s (damn near impossible) to grow and scale.
That begs the question… “How do we build leverage in our business?”
In my webinar training, I talk about how you can build leverage.
We build leverage in our business using simple systems. Yes, simple systems.
One of the ways we build leverage is through automated processes. If you ever want to reach 6 and 7 figures, you need to have the ability to automate.
We recorded our webinar live. We’ve did this several times, but now it runs every day on autopilot.
Let’s look at the process.
- We drive traffic on autopilot
- We run our webinar on autopilot
- We vet and qualify leads automatically
- Our scheduling is done with automation
- On the back end, we build relationships and close clients
If we didn’t have that, I’d be working 50 hours a week instead of 15. The whole process has been validated.
It doesn’t take 20 tools to do it either, we’re only using a handful and it’s easy to implement.
What leverage do we have?
- We’re able to grow and scale on demand
- Predict our income months out
- Spend more time focused on getting our clients’ results
- Allows us to step back and see how the system performs
- We can fine tune this system by knowing our numbers
- Converts on the front end and back end
- And countless others
Without this leverage, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
I remember when I began writing down my goals and one of them was to hit $50K in revenue a month.
At that time, I was making $10K-$15K a month (on average). We put our systems in place and BOOM! $56K for the month.
Our growth would never be possible without leverage.
If you’re ready to level up, get on the phone with us. We’ll help you put the right systems in so you can scale and grow your client business. Our clients are killing it with this system.
What Gives A Business Leverage
The right systems allow you to build leverage in your business which will allow you to grow and scale your business.
I break it all down here, showing you the framework of our C.A.M.A. Method.
Make sure you watch it, take notes and implement.