3 Core Elements
You have a client business and you want to scale it to 7 figures. (Even if you want to hit 6 figures, this type of webinar system can work)
There’s really only 3 core elements to building a webinar funnel that will take your business to 7 figures.
- A powerful “high valued” webinar
- Driving highly targeted traffic
- A next step (offer, application, ect.)
[That’s the 3 core elements you need to focus on. Let’s break them down.]
Core One – High Valued Webinar
One of the fastest ways to grow to 7 figures is by converting cold paid traffic.
It can be paid traffic from Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google, Bing or other paid sources.
You have to remember, when you’re driving cold traffic, you have to focus on building a relationship with your audience.
This is exactly why we drive paid traffic to our webinar and not our programs or consulting services. That’s NOT our next step. Our next step is getting them to schedule a time to talk with us.
Back to your webinar, this webinar needs to be “high valued.” Meaning your audience should walk away with actionable advice and tips.
You have to make sure this webinar is centered around your perfect prospect. In our C.A.M.A. Formula, we build customer avatars or client profiles to help us understand our ideal clients. We then add a deep dive research analysis to complete the process.
Because this is so important, one of the Bonuses we offer at the end of the webinar is free access to our Module 2 training where we discuss how you can build your customer avatar and core offer. The whole training gives you the formula we use. You can watch it for free by clicking here.
Driving Highly Targeted Traffic
If you did your research, did your ask campaigns and built your customer avatars, you know what your ideal clients need.
If you don’t, you need to find out. Very important.
You can dive deep in targeting (and you should) so your paid ads have the best opportunity to convert out the gate.
Having the ability to target your ideal clients is vital to your success with this model.
You can get our customer avatar checklist here. This will help you dial in your targeting.
Our webinar model uses paid traffic from Facebook. If you’ve never did ads on Facebook before, it can be overwhelming. It’s a subject that we could spend months talking about.
If you have an email list or customer list, you can upload them to Facebook and create audiences with them. You can also build lookalike audiences from these, which would be an audience that is similar to your own.
Outside of those audiences, we use 3 targets for our Facebook ads.
- Competitors
- Interest
- Demographics
We use these in that order with competitors being first.
While paid traffic is the majority of the traffic type we use in our webinar funnel, that doesn’t mean you can’t drive other traffic types in your funnel.
You want to make sure you have a webinar system that converts any type of traffic, ideally your perfect customer.
The Next Step
With email marketing, you hear me talk about marketing hooks all the time.
With email, we end each email with this same concept. “Make sure you watch out tomorrow for my email. I’m going to show you how we made $61,343 during our launch, you don’t want to miss it!”
You want to do the same at the end of your webinar.
Do you have to sell your program or services at the end? No you don’t. We don’t in our webinar funnel.
The reason we don’t is because most of the traffic we’re targeting is cold traffic. We have to build rapport with them first, build the relationship.
Our webinar funnel is specifically designed to convert users on the front end and the back end.
For those you that haven’t watched our webinar training, our next step is a scheduling option we offer to users.
At the end of our webinar, we give our users the opportunity to schedule time to talk to us about their business. Once they schedule, we have a short application.
This application focuses on specific questions so we know who can afford our high ticket services.