Big promise, right? Is it really possible to get more clients with less work?
The answer is YES!
Truth be told, I struggled with this for years. Dang, many years.
What I found, it wasn’t just “one” thing, I had several things wrong. If you’re struggling to get new clients now, it’s likely you’re making some of the same mistakes.
Let’s get to the point. You’re working your tail off trying to get new clients with minimal return or worse, nothing is working. Where do you start?
Why You Need This
If you’re a client business owner, coach, expert, thought leader, you need this system. Even if you’re getting referrals and word-of-mouth attention, you need this. These client generating tactics can’t be replied on. Don’t you want a way to control the amount of clients you get every month? If so, keep reading.
- This system is the only way to have full control over the clients you attract and the money you make
- This system will allow you to save time, money and effort by focusing on the one thing that grows your business, “getting clients.”
- This system works on autopilot, again saving you time, money and effort. No more being strapped to your business.
- This system qualifies your highest valued leads and potential clients for you because it allows your potential clients to qualify themselves.
The System, Process And Focus
Before you can work less in your business and start getting more clients, you need a reliable system.
Systems build reliability, leverage and advantages. What type of system do you need? I’m talking about your client acquisition system, you know, the process you use in your business that turns prospects and leads into paying clients.
Over the last 2 years, I’ve talked to thousands of client business owners. I was surprised by the feedback I received. Most client business owners don’t have a true client acquisition system in their business. It’s likely you don’t either, so that’s where you need to begin.
Let me show you our main client acquisition system.
- Messaging
- Paid Ad
- High Value Content
- Next Step Opportunity
- Scheduling
- Application
Yep, just 5 steps. I’m going to break each down for you. If you want to see this system in action yourself, be sure to join our free masterclass training.
It doesn’t matter how great your client acquisition system is, if you’re message is off, you’re going to struggle. What’s your marketing hook? Who’s your ideal client? Do you know both?
Every marketing campaign has to begin with the right messaging, your message to the market.
If you’re at this stage and you’re struggling, you need to go back to the basics. This system won’t help if your marketing message is off. This has to be right before you proceed. I’m referring to your offer, what you provide to others. How you package this is vital to your success.
Leveraging Paid Ads
Why paid ads? I can be in front of my target audience in a matter of minutes. Blogging, SEO, content marketing, it takes too long. I’d rather be done in 15 minutes than having to do all of this every week. Yes, also to save you a lot of time. When you use paid traffic, you don’t need to do a lot of the other things that weren’t bringing you new clients anyway.
Think about it, how much time are you spending chasing clients? How much time are you spending each week trying to attract clients?
High Value Content
You want all of your content to be valuable and helpful. More importantly, you want your content to be focused, specific and meant to be consumed by your ideal clients.
For us, we like using webinars and videos. Videos and webinars are great for building relationships with your audience. Out of all the content types you can build, these two work the best.
You also want to make sure your topic points on our point. We focus on the main problems, pains and desires our ideal clients want.
Next Step Opportunity
The great thing about this system is that it qualifies our ideal clients on autopilot because of the next step opportunity. A next step opportunity forces our prospects and leads to take action. By doing so, we’re able to see who is our highest caliber leads.
If someone is willing to open our emails, consume our content, take the time to schedule a breakthrough strategy, we know they’re a quality lead. You need the ability to know this, so tracking this type of date in vital to continued growth. We don’t have to be there, they’re able to take the steps to qualify themselves.
This is automation at its best and huge leverage for any client business owner.
In this system, we give our prospects a next step opportunity to schedule a breakthrough strategy. We call this a Filter, which is a way for us to separate quality prospects vs bad prospects. If someone is not a good fit, they usually won’t schedule a time to talk. Sure, some people may get through but the majority will not take this next step. We have multiple filters throughout our client acquisition system.
The scheduling process is fully automated. There’s a wide range of tools you could use to accomplish this, such as Schedule Once.
The last step in our system is our application, which is another filter we have in our system. Think about the “filters.” Why? Why do we have filters? Yes, it separates our leads in two buckets, high quality vs lower quality. (Keep in mind, just because they’re lower quality right now doesn’t mean you should ignore them.”
Back to the final stage, the application. This application works as another filter but it’s much more important than that. Our application qualifies our leads. It gives us what we need to review the potential clients and make sure they would be a good fit for our program. We ask our ideal clients specific questions that allow us to instantly see if they would qualify for out coaching program.
What Do I Need To Do?
If you don’t have this client acquisition system in place, that’s your first step. You want to get this system in your business immediately. If you already have a client acquisition system and you’re still struggling to get new clients, it’s time to change it.
We have a training masterclass where I go over this exact system and how to make it work for you.
I recommend watching this so you fully understand how to implement this process in your business. You can sign up for free here.
You can also join our private Facebook group where we discuss this system and all the different components you need to grow a successful client business. Join our private Facebook group here.