What Is ClickFunnels?

When it comes to growing and scaling your business, you need tools that give you functionality, leverage and results.

Think about it, every customer has a journey. If you’re not a part of that journey, you’re leaving money on the table.

To understand what ClickFunnels is, we first have to understand what a funnel is and why it’s one of the most important components of a successful business.

What Is A Funnel?

No, I’m not talking about a funnel you pour oil into. I’m talking about a funnel that pours money into your bank account.

Yeah, the good funnel. The type of funnel that can produce 6-7-8 figure returns in your business.

You see, the funnel is like a roadmap, taking your potential clients on an experience to becoming a paid customer.

A funnel is designed to accomplish a goal, taking a potential customer through a purchasing process or taking a prospect down the steps to becoming a quality lead.

Funnels serve a number of different purposes but what never changes is the fact that your business needs them. Like yesterday.

Back To ClickFunnels

Now that you know a funnel is designed to take someone from point A to point B, what is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a powerful software that makes building funnels easy. That’s only one of several benefits of having your business utilizing ClickFunnels.

The software provider also saves you money. How?

  • You don’t need a website or domain
  • You don’t need a hosting account
  • You don’t need a professional web designer
  • You don’t need a tech or marketing guru
  • You don’t need a shopping cart
  • You don’t need a checkout solution

These are just a few of the benefits when using ClickFunnels.

While funnels give your audience the opportunity to go from a complete stranger to a paying customer on their own, they’re also used to direct your audience to each stage of the process. This is vital to every business and as business owners noticed this, ClickFunnels continued to grow in popularity.

What Is ClickFunnels Used For?

ClickFunnels can be used to accomplish a wide range of goals in your business.

  • Used to sell digital products
  • Used to sell physical products
  • Used to create membership websites
  • Used to generate leads
  • Used as a VSL
  • Used as a landing page or squeeze page
  • Used to start affiliate program
  • Used to track contacts and leads

All Businesses Need Funnels

It doesn’t matter what type of business you have, you’ll find that you also have needs to have funnels in your business. 

With a tool like ClickFunnels, you’ll also be able to track conversions, track analytics and easily run A/B split test as needed.